Henning Berger

Dr. Henning Berger is a partner of international law firm White & Case LLP in Berlin. Henning is a member of the firm`s international financial advisory group and heads their German financial regulatory practice. A focus of Henning`s practice is on European and cross-border issues of banking and insurance supervision, including the supervision by the European Central Bank in the Single Supervisory Mechanism (SSM) and ownership control. His clients include national and international banking and insurance companies as well as government entities and institutions, such as the German Federal government. Henning represents his clients in leading regulatory cases before the German administrative courts as well as before the German Constitutional Court and the Court of the European Union.

Henning Berger regularly speaks and publishes on current issues of European and German banking supervisory law. Recent publications: “Financial Services and Brexit: Navigating Towards Future Market Access”, in: European Business Organization Law Review 2018 (with Badenhoop); “Bankenaufsicht” (Banking Supervision), in: Lieder/Wilk/Ghassemi-Tabar, Münchener Handbuch des Gesellschaftsrechts, Bd. 8 (Umwandlungsrecht), 2018, Chapt. 64; “Brexit – Folgen für Kreditinstitute” (Brexit – Consequences for Credit Institutions), Wertpapiermitteilungen 2018, 1078 (with Badenhoop); “Frage der Zuständigkeit der EZB zur Aufsicht über eine Landeskreditbank“ (On the competence of the ECB to supervise a German development bank), Note on the decision of the General Court of 16 May 2018, WuB 2018, 60; “Stützung, Abwicklung und Entschädigung: Aktuelle Abgrenzungsfragen in der Bankenion” (Support, resolution and compensation: Current issues of the Banking Union), in: Kayser/Smid/Riedemann, Festschrift Pannen,  2017, 3; “Rechtsanwendung durch die EZB im Single Supervisory Mechanism” (Application of law by the ECB in the Single Supervisory Mechanism), Wertpapiermitteilungen 2016, 2325 (part I), 2361 (part 2).

Henning  is a certified lawyer for administrative law (“Fachanwalt für Verwaltungsrecht”). After studying law at the Universities of Constance and Berlin, he received his PhD in law from the Freie Universität Berlin.