Lourdes Catrain
Lourdes Catrain is Co-Chair of Hogan Lovells’ International Trade and Investment practice in Europe. Her practice focuses on international trade law and policy, including foreign investment control, economic sanctions, export control, and customs. She regularly advises clients on the applicability of foreign direct investment screening in M&A transactions and assists with the procedure to secure the investment authorization.
She has secured a number of foreign investment approvals and most notably, she led the multiple foreign investment filings related to EUR 12.3bn acquisition by GE of Alstom's energy activities.
She has assisted a Latin America country with the drafting and negotiation of the investment chapter of a free trade agreement with China. She has also published various articles and spoken at conferences on the EU Framework Regulation on Foreign Direct Investment.
As leading legal directories note, clients value Lourdes for “[h]er vast knowledge and experience [which] is calming in the most stressful situations; she is very diplomatic in the way she handles everything. She is always clear from a time management perspective and in terms of setting expectations, which makes the work easy to manage from our side." (Chambers Europe, 2020).
She holds a law degree from the Facultad de Derecho of the Universidad Complutense (Madrid, Spain) and a masters degree from the University of Michigan Law School (U.S.).