Christoph Herrmann

Prof. Dr. Christoph Herrmann, LL.M. (London) is CELIS Regional Director for Germany – Austria – Switzerland – Liechtenstein and CELIS Country Reporter for Germany.

Professor Herrmann studied Law and some Economics (with a focus on banking and finance) at the University of Bayreuth (1st State Examination, Germany, 1999) and European and International Economic Law at the University of London (LL.M., 2001). He is qualified for the German bar and judicial bench (2nd State Examination, State of Bavaria, 2005). Christoph holds a doctorate in European Union law from the University of Bayreuth (Dr. jur., 2002, summa cum laude) and a Habilitation (professorial thesis; subject “Monetary Sovereignty, the Monetary Constitution, and Individual Rights, published 2010) from the University of Munich (2009). In 2006/07, Christoph was Jean-Monnet Post-doc Fellow at the European University Institute (EUI, Florence). Since 2009, Christoph holds a Chair for European and International Economic Law at the University of Passau. Christoph’s research focuses on European and international economic law, in particular the common commercial policy, WTO law and EMU.

Among other things, he was founding co-editor of the European Yearbook of International Economic Law (EYIEL), co-author of a German textbook on WTO law and is Co-editor of a German commentary on EU external trade and customs law He has (co-)authored and (co-)edited far more than 100 books, commentaries, book chapters and the like. He regularly advises private and public clients (incl. the European Central Bank and the German Federal Ministry for the Economy on the 2020 reform of German investment screening) on EU and international economic law, and has appeared as an expert before committees of the German Bundestag in relation to his research topics. He has been listed on the WTO indicative list of panellists for many years. From 2017 until 2020, Christoph was EU candidate-select for the position of a WTO Appellate Body Member. In 2020, he was designated a possible arbitrator under the EU-UK Withdrawal Agreement.