The CELIS Blog: Fueling the Conversation on Economic Security. The CELIS Blog is a unique forum for current debates on international investment control and economic security law and practice more broadly. It brings the latest developments and analysis to you. From economic security (law) experts – to economic security (law) experts.

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The European Commission’s Fourth Annual Report on FDI Screening

By Sophie Bohnert, CELIS Blog A. Introduction This October is the month of investment screening. Not only did CFIS 2024, hosted by the CELIS Institute and convened by Steffen Hindelang and Roland Stein, take place in Paris (France) from 16 to 18 October 2024. It is also the month in which the European Commission ("EC") usually fulfils its annual reporting ...
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(Bio)Fueled to Combat Climate Change? An Analysis of the WTO Panel Decision in the EU-Palm Oil (Malaysia) Dispute

By Isha Das, University of Passau I. Introduction The Panel report in the EU-Palm Oil (Malaysia) dispute[i] was circulated on 5 March 2024. It is an important addition to the list of environment-related international trade disputes brought before the World Trade Organisation ('WTO'). This is the first time that a WTO Panel has had to deal with measures aiming to ...
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FDI And FSR Enforcement Trends in Europe: July and August 2024 – Hard Times For Chinese Investments In Europe?

Note from the Editors This post was first published on the Baker McKenzie Blog. By Paul Johnson, Pavlo Prokhorov and Beau Maes, all Baker McKenzie This summer was marked by a particular focus and scrutiny by authorities on transactions involving investors from China, which is typically considered a "risk" jurisdiction from an EU FDI and FSR perspective. The four decisions ...
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CFIS 24: Paris Insights – Securing Europe’s Future: Investment Screening and Economic Security in the Context of EU Enlargement

A Note from the Editors The CELIS Blog is launching its very first special series of blog posts ahead of this year's CELIS Forum on Investment Screening (CFIS).  Our Programme Sherpas, promising young academics and practitioners in the field, share their views on the topics we will be discussing in the various panels during CFIS. The views expressed in the ...
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CFIS 24: Paris Insights – Preserving the Battlefield Gap in the Area of Technology: Between Export Control and Outbound Investment Screening 

A Note from the Editors The CELIS Blog is launching its very first special series of blog posts ahead of this year's CELIS Forum on Investment Screening (CFIS).  Our Programme Sherpas, promising young academics and practitioners in the field, share their views on the topics we will be discussing in the various panels during CFIS. CFIS is the flagship event ...
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CFIS 2024: Issue Notes (Part 2/2)

A Note from the Editors The CELIS Blog is launching its second special series of blog posts ahead of this year's CELIS Forum on Investment Screening (CFIS). The Issue Note series provides analyses which are published to elicit comment and to further debate. The series is written by our Programme Sherpas, promising young academics and practitioners in the field. CFIS ...
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CFIS 2024: Issue Notes (Part 1/2)

A Note from the Editors The CELIS Blog is launching its second special series of blog posts ahead of this year's CELIS Forum on Investment Screening (CFIS). The Issue Note series provides analyses which are published to elicit comment and to further debate. The series is written by our Programme Sherpas, promising young academics and practitioners in the field. CFIS ...
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The Dutch Strategy for Attracting Foreign Investments and Protecting National Security

By Olga Hrynkiv[i] The Netherlands is at a pivotal moment where it must strike a delicate balance between the influx of foreign investments and the imperative to protect its national security. For a long time, Dutch governments have resisted the introduction of a general screening mechanism on national security grounds, concerned it could hinder the country's open investment climate. Instead, ...
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CELIS Update on Investment Screening – September 2024

European Union – European Commission has granted conditional approval in first in-depth review for an M&A transaction On 24 September 2024, the European Commission has approved the acquisition by Emirates Telecommunications Group Company PJSC (ETGC) of sole control of PPF Telecom Group B.V. (PPF), excluding its Czech business, under the Foreign Subsidies Regulation. The approval is conditional on full compliance with the commitments ...
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Towards a centralisation of FDI screening in the EU? On the functioning and effects of the cooperation mechanism in the Commission’s proposal for a revised screening regulation

By Steffen Hindelang and Jan Philipp Huth[i] A.   Introduction To those arguing, before the backdrop of increasing geopolitical tension, in favour of a security-oriented European industrial policy, it may seem like a relic of bygone times. However, Art. 63 para. 1 TFEU - still - provides for free movement of capital between the EU and third countries. As a result, ...
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