The CELIS Blog: Fueling the Conversation on Economic Security. The CELIS Blog is a unique forum for current debates on international investment control and economic security law and practice more broadly. It brings the latest developments and analysis to you. From economic security (law) experts – to economic security (law) experts.
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First Day in Court for the EU’s Defence Industrial Policy
Understanding the Importance of Investment Screening measures for Financial and Economic Security of India
Belgium’s FDI Screening Mechanism: 17 Months of Navigating the Blackbox
The Commission´s and ECJ´s Approach to Investment Arbitration
The ECJ and Investment Control – Intensified Investment Screening
Update on Outbound Investment Screening: Current Developments in the EU and US
How to Prevent the EU from Falling Behind?
The Stony Road to de-fragmentation of EU Foreign Direct Investment Control
Can the “buy European” requirement counter the challenges of the European Defence Technological and Industrial Base? A critical perspective on EDIS and EDIP
CELIS Update on Investment Screening – October 2024
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The CELIS Blog always welcomes posts from economic security professionals that address current issues in international investment screening and economic security law and practice. Would you like to contribute to the Blog? Please contact our editors: blog@celis.institute
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